L.D. Consulting Group specializes in back-office support for Third Party Administration (TPA) Firms by handling all or a portion of the day-to-day administrative duties, as well as annual reporting for 401k and other types of defined contribution retirement plans. Building strong alliances with other TPA's to conduct their required daily work, L.D. Consulting Group strives on being that dedicated, detail-oriented, and analytical solution!
Services we provide: |
- Daily Trading
- Daily processing of Distributions, Loans, and Contributions
- Daily reconciliation of participant account balances
- Quarterly statement production
- Plan Document maintenance
- Electronic filing of 5500 forms and required schedules
- Actual Deferral Percentage Testing (ADP)
- Actual Contribution Percentage Testing (ACP)
- 415 Annual Additions Limitation Testing
- 416 Top Heavy Testing
Market Snapshot |
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L.D.Consulting Group, LLC | LDConsultingonline.com | P: 704.969.9530 | F: 704.910.4552 |